Heal With Diet

Turmeric, the go-to-spice!

You must have wondered why Golden Milk is so popular nowadays! The potential benefits of turmeric in treating chronic diseases have only recently been discovered, despite its traditional use in Indian cuisine. In this blog, you will be surprised to discover that turmeric has something for most medical conditions! Read on!

Heal With Diet

Mangoes are the “king of fruits” for a reason, right?

Mangoes are unquestionably the “King of Fruits” and for a good reason.
Nutritionally, mangos pack a powerful punch, containing antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Enjoy it, but with a caveat! Find out if it can also harm your health here!


Know if Kapha is your Dosha?

Does the onset of winter make you feel uncomfortable? Is your digestion generally weak? Discover if Kapha is your Dosha and take control of your life.


Know if Pitta is your Dosha?

Are you more uncomfortable during summer? Are you short tempered? Are you sensitive to sunlight or do you easily get sunburns? Discover if Pitta is your Dosha and take control of your life.


Know if Vata is your Dosha?

Come autumn and you suffer from roughness and dryness! Your body temperature is generally cold!
Discover if Vata is your Dosha and take control of your life.

Heal With Diet

Kidney diseases strike silently, act now and avoid the agony!

Here’s how you can keep your kidneys in good health. And in the rare event that kidneys do get impacted, it answers the important questions about kidney-friendly diets!!!

Heal With Diet

The food choices diabetics have!

Diabetics, take your pick from vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, seeds, sea food, meat and more!

Heal With Diet

Bolster your Body Defenses!

Discover what causes chronic diseases to strike us in old age and what can we do to fight them.

Heal With Diet

Diabetics, eat better, not less!

Diabetes doesn’t mean you should drop foods from your diet indiscriminately! Make sure you read this post to learn the importance of nutrients and plan your diet for a healthy lifestyle.

Heal With Diet

Eat your way to good health!

Are you aware that every individual has a unique constitution in Ayurveda? And that our diet can either promote or sabotage our psychophysiology? If not, do read this post!