Diet to Delight

The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life.

B.K.S. Iyengar

Ayurveda is an ancient Vedic philosophy which recommends holistic healing. The emphasis of Ayurveda is on total wellness. Ayurveda recognizes that all of us are born with a unique “Constitution” which reflects in our nature, our personality, our various traits, our physical construction, and it can even suggest the diseases we are most likely to suffer from.

Ayurveda recommends that we should live in harmony with our Constitution to enjoy a healthier and joyful life.  We can ensure this harmony by following the right diet, the right lifestyle, and by controlling our emotions and thoughts.

Our diet is an important aspect of our health and hence we would like to increase the awareness of our readers about the medicinal benefits of various herbs, spices, and foods through this website. We hope that this knowledge will prove to be the first step for the interested in incorporating Ayurvedic principles in daily life and enjoying total wellness.

Turmeric, the go-to-spice!

You must have wondered why Golden Milk is so popular nowadays! The potential benefits of turmeric i…

king of fruits
Mangoes are the “king of fruits” for a reason, right?

Mangoes are unquestionably the "King of Fruits" and for a good reason. Nutritionally, mangos pack a …

Know if Kapha is your Dosha?

Does the onset of winter make you feel uncomfortable? Is your digestion generally weak? Discover i…

Know if Pitta is your Dosha?

Are you more uncomfortable during summer? Are you short tempered? Are you sensitive to sunlight or…

Know if Vata is your Dosha?

Come autumn and you suffer from roughness and dryness! Your body temperature is generally cold! Di…